This Pear Apple Gin Fizz Cocktail is light, refreshing, a little bit fruity and slightly sweet. It’s essentially just a fruity gin and tonic. Gorgeous apple gin is mixed with pear juice and topped with tonic water for a fun, delicate cocktail.
Begin by adding a handful of ice to a cocktail shaker. Next, add your apple gin and pear juice. Shake vigorously for 20-30 seconds until the cocktail has fully chilled. Carefully strain and pour into two cocktail or wine glasses. Add a couple ice cubes. Top with tonic water or pear sparkling water. Garnish with a slice of pear and mint.
Check out your local supermarkets juice aisle for pear juice, if you can’t find any there have a look at their international section. They often have “pear nectar”, like this one in Supervalu. You might also find cans of pear nectar in international supermarkets. If all of this fails you, you can replace the pear juice with apple juice instead.
The gin I chose to use for this recipe is Symphonia Apple Gin. It’s locally produced and has fruity notes of apple. If you can’t get your hands on this, there are a couple of apple flavoured alcohols you can use instead; Micky Finns Apple, Teichennee Green Apple Liqueur, Smirnoff Apple or Longueville Irish Apple Brandy.
For more Drinks and Cocktail Recipes, check out my Drinks Category, here.
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